I don't have to go to work today. Gotta fuckin love Veteran's day right? I didn't even know till bout Wednesday that we got it off. Why we have it off I still don't know, but I'm not bitchin. So just havin a lazy day of it.
Yesterday fuckin sucked. Got my work truck stuck in a field. I thought the field was dry. It hadn't rained in days, and I'd checked the other side of the field that morning, nice and solid. But I'd forgotten about one part of said field that some geniuses (I think tilled is the word I'm wanting, I don't know...) a few months back. Frickin, I dodged a little puddle, then started driving on that dug up part, and the whole right side of my truck sank in. And I'm sitting there thinking "what the fuck was that?" looked out and thought, "oh shit, I'm never going to hear the end of this..." Anyways, it finally took a towtruck to pull my truck out, and as one guy who tried to give me a hand said: "Why the hell isn't it (my work truck, since they know I go through the field regularly) a 4-wheel drive?" I'd like to know the answer to that too. I've decided to stay on the pavement until May.
And yes, I realize I probably shouldn't be allowed to drive a vehicle, much less something so big. But my work hasn't made that decision yet, so that puppy's all mine. Ish. Whatever.
I'm going to spend my Friday off in bed, watching my illegally downloaded movies, and waitin for my honey to get off work and call me. Have fun kids.
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