Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Spring Cleaning and Gut Feelings

Evening. The blog's setup was buggin me, so I got rid of it. Simple enough, right? Spring Cleaning.

And as to Spring Cleaning turning into Dumpfest 2005, gotta go with the gut feeling. I know of at least 3 people from real life who knew this site, and that was 3 too many. I want my anonymity back. So I'll be starting over, somewhere.

Not sure when I'll be back up and going; don't worry, you'll hear from me. And if you want me to hear you, do your thing: k a y l e n a @iamgreat.net

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smart chicky... there is no legislation on blogging as of yet - then again, there's always room for the first to be made an example of! (Hence, my situation - things are great now - no worries!)
I'll email when new stuff is set up. Take care hon, you rock.