Now, I have 8 favorite blogs, and 8 Christmas cards here. Coincidence? I think not:

The Hot Librarian:



The Jerk Store:

Spinning Girl:

Jerk of All Trades:


Happy Whatever Everyone. Love you all.
And don't even think about putting out a hit on me based on whatever info you got on me from your little stat-counter-tracker-thingies. I'm very very sneaky...
LOL, very, very nice :) Merry Christmas :)
sure give me the one with a bear getting rogered by the jolly fat man,what are you trying to say?
Whooo! I got the pedophile card! That rocks!!! hee hee!
"Pedophile, huh? Well that's a big word for a 10 year old..."
Merry Christmas! :)
I'M one of your 8 faves?
I am VERY flattered Kay!
Thanks, and Merry Christmas!
I LOVE MY CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stone-I think you know what I'm saying.
Glad you're all semi-happy with your cards, cuz they sure as hell made me laugh.
Merry Christmas or whatever.
You are so sweet!
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