So I posted once in a week. And it wasn't really a post. According to a Jerk I know, who happens to have a height restriction on his blog (what's that all about, huh? Midgets can't read your blog? You are a jerk!), I should be sorry. So since he said I should, I'm going to not be sorry.
Basically nothing at all happened.
I did 4 loads of laundry today.
My honey came down from Washington last weekend.
Warning: Kay is about to tell you ALL about her sickness. I was sick. I was sick for 10 fucking days. With a fucking cold. I called the doctor a million times (ok, like 5), and they just did an over-the-phone consultation (asses. But at least I didn't have to pay for them then.) and told me to take Motrin and Sudafed and call back if it got worse. I called back. They said there was nothing else they could prescribe, and to let it "run it's course." Motherfucking fucks. I had almost zero voice (I'm sure many people wouldn't think this is a bad thing, but I kind of did.), I was coughing every 2.3 milliseconds, my ears were horribly painful, the first three days I was running a fever, one horrible day (last Sunday, right after I put the honey on a plane home) I had snot flowing from my nose faster than a river runs in the spring, and was coughing so much I puked some, and almost pee'd my pants a few times. Almost. Ran quickly to the bathroom. It finally started going away Wednesday. But I still cough and shit. Not shit-shit. Just cough-and-shit. As in not poo. Not that I'm not shitting... Ok, this is done.
You can start reading again.
Warning: Kay's about to go into all sorts of boring relationship-type shit. Right, so when my honey came, we did the Christmas thing early. Cuz I'll be going home to the parent's house for Christmas, and won't see the honey till the 28th. (I know, the 28th is so far after Christmas...) Basically we're both impatient as hell. So anyways, I got a fucking Ipod Nano! I love it. It's all little and pretty and white, and when you turn it over it's all shiny, and I love it. The honey scored major points with that one. Unfortunately what I got the honey was nowhere near as cool. So I'm the bad girlfriend. But I don't care. The honey said (cuz we'd already discussed MP3 players and such, at which point I'd told the honey not to get me one, cuz it was out of the price limit we set back in November that neither of us listened to...) Anyways, the honey just didn't want one, had no use for one, and probably wouldn't use one anyways. But I got one for Christmas!!! I love it. Right, and I got the honey a bunch of little stuff, and the 5th season of CSI when we were out shopping one weekend. I had no idea the honey even liked CSI, but we were watching TV one night, and the honey saw CSI was on, and professed an undying love for it, so I bought the most recently released season... But I did promise to fill in the rest of the collection. So I'm not the worst girlfriend on record, right? I don't even remember what we did last year. I know the year before that we said no gifts, but we were only kinda dating then, kinda friends. Does that even make sense? Who cares. Next!
Safe to start reading again.
Yeah, that's kinda it. Let me think... This may take a while. Um... I bought Mr and Mrs Smith. I guess it was alright. I was thinking it was pretty ok, kinda reminding me of War of the Roses, but alright. But after it was over I was left with this bad taste in my mouth. I guess I was just expecting better. I know I'm totally watching it a few more times, I mean, I bought the damn thing. But it just seemed like... I don't even know. Something was missing. Hell, it was shot better than a porno. Maybe I'm just a retard. My boss borrowed it and he thought it was pretty good. And I borrowed Stealth from him. Now that was a great damn movie. Jessica Biel, Josh Lukas, Jamie Foxx... Good shit.
Bought the new Shakira CD. This one's in English. I thought it'd just be a repeat of Oral Fixation Volume 1, but translated into English, but it's only got 2 songs off the other album, and all the rest are fresh. This is both good and bad, because it means I still have no clue what 3/4 of the songs off Volume 1 are about. Damn.
Ok, I'm gettin tired, and I still have 4 loads of laundry to fold and put away... Somewhere.
So night.
and this post is why I love you. Giving the reader a road map. (I read it all though - no worries).
4 loads of laundry sounds horrible.
glad you are feeling better.
The road-maps are very necessary aren't they? 4 loads of laundry was not a pretty sight, but at least I've got clean clothes.
And thanks. I think it's safe to say I passed on my cold-thing to about 1/4 of the people at work, I'm happy with that number.
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