But I can't help it. Right now, there's no one else who does my job. I'm on all my meds (Motrin IB and day/ny-quil), and tryin not to get too close to anyone, or breathe on them. Believe me, if it were up to me, I'd be parkin my sick ass in bed all week.
And it's been a rainy and windy mother fucker outside. Frickin-a! What is that? I don't like that. But at least it's not snow. I hate snow with a vengenace that can only be described as... Ok, there's no word severe enough to describe it. But it's big. I'm so glad I'm not in Washington right now. Or anyplace north of where I currently am. I like California. It might not be warm right now, but there's about a snowball's chance in hell of a snowball forming here. Welcome to hell. At least it's warm. Ish.
Mmmmm, warm. That would be nice. My boss-man sent me home early today. He told me to go buy a bunch of orange juice, and if I wasn't pee-ing every 20 minutes, I'm not drinking enough. Gotta love that guy. Sometimes his jokes make no sense at all, but most of the time he's funny, funny shit.
Right, so this was just an update to say that I'm alive, I've been reading everyone else's blogs, but am too unmotivated to post my own, but I'm not dead yet you bastards! And I took you out of the will anyways, so it doesn't matter to you if I am...
My honey's comin for the weekend, but I'm not thinkin it'll be the fun and games we were plannin. Oh well, snuggling and watching movies ain't so bad. As long as I don't share the germs too much. Not sure if I'll be postin again between now and tomorrow night, so if I don't, have a good weekend kids. Love you all. And remember to practice your spork-eye-carving skills over the weekend, there'll be a test on Monday.
hello,anyone home?
The lights, they are on, but everyone evacuated.
The Dayquil and Nyquil aren't working anymore. The Nyquil never knocked me out. I've got to try to get in with the doctor today. This shit is killing me.
feel better. crack cocaine is always good for a little pick-me-up as well. something to think about.
Hope you feel better!
Oh, and your spork comment actually made me cringe, a bit. I think I'm overly sensitive today due to the fact that I had some very spicy Chinese food today at lunch, and now my whole body is afraid.
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