Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm in love

I may have hinted, and beat around the bush, but I am now here to confirm, that I am very, very, very much in love. And it's a beautiful fucking thing. Want proof of the beauty?
It's a beauty that doesn't even have words to be describable. It's just utter bliss. Here's your thousand words.

So yeah, seriously, what the hell did you think it'd be? Seriously? That's kind of sad. How little you know me... But maybe you don't know me because I'm a shit-head who hasn't posted in forever. Maybe.
So I bought my love a new CD. Recently she's (yes, it's a she. It's all cute and little and shiny, and her name is Apple.) been listening to Shakira's latest, but today I bought her Ashlee's CD. I wasn't planning on getting it, but I was in the store today, and it looked at me and jumped into my hand, and I do have the first one, and I like to get all the CD's if I like the artist, and I do like her stuff, so my sweet little Apple has something new to play with.

Right, I've got a shitload of studying to do still, this was my break. Just sayin, that's how much I love you guys... And also just sayin, I fuckin hate my job. Don't think I'll get to sleep tonight, so if you randomly run into some bitch tomorrow that tries to rip your head off for squinting into the sun, it's probably me, I'll apologize another day, and I'm working all weekend too, so fuck you, you squinty-eyed-bastard. There's no sun up there, so just knock it the fuck off alread. You go watch your damn football, and I'll sit in my office with my damn learning of things that are boring as shit, and I'll curse you in languages I don't even know.
Or maybe I won't say all that, but I'll so think it.
And go get me some coffee.


stonelifter said...

wow feeling the love squint squint

Kay said...

Terribly sorry.
I was quite the bitch.
Nothing personal there Stone.