Friday, April 21, 2006

two posts in one day?

Just wanted to say I went to Les Schwab today. Apparently my front brake pads are so worn that's it's basically metal. Yeah. Not good. So I have an appointment tomorrow morning to get new ones and stuff. 416 bucks. That sucks. That sucks big time. But I suppose it's better than crashing and dieing. I have to admit shelling out some money is better than that.

Anyho, they're shutting down the power part of tomorrow for some kind of "maintenance." Asses. They won't even explain what it is their doing, so how am I supposed to believe them?

Have a good weekend.
Don't do anyone I wouldn't do.

1 comment:

Ospite said...

Greetings! Thanks for your link. The Waiter is fabulous... reading his stuff for a year before I hit the restaurant biz is what made me want to blog as well. Ciao!