Why do relationships have to be such drama sometimes?
Why does it feel so good when you're drinking, but not the next morning?
Why is everything SO HOT when you're drunk?
Why did I do it, and why did those mo-fo's take pictures?
Fuckin-A is the only attainable answer.
1. b/c women are crazy
2. nothing can be that good, without making you feel that bad. it's god's way of evening things out.
3. i don't know.
4. not sure where you are going with this, but i would like to see said picutes.
#1 you're right.
#2 You're still right.
#3 By everything, I meant everyONE. Everyone, friends, coworkers, people I've never met before, everyone.
#4 The pictures were mostly on camera phones, and the one moment I was actually referring to is when I decided to take off on a fucking drunken marathon. I was the only one in running shoes, my buds were in flip flops. I'm just glad they caught up when I stopped to puke in someone's front yard while some lady jogged past, cuz I didn't know where I was going.
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