Sunday, November 12, 2006

Fuck you knees, I don't need you

Hey. Me and my knees are having a disagreement. I believe they should work. They beg to differ. I spent the last two days walking (walking I say) around with a 32 year old, and an almost 60 year old. And I'm the only fool in the recliner with elevated lags and ice packs on their knees. I'm too young for this shit, too young damnit. (Thought I was going to put an actual number in there for a second didn't you? HA! I may be retarded and typing from a reclined position, but I'm still smart enough to not slip up like that.)
I got a couple new books at Barnes yesterday while we were doing the walking around. One is very very interesting (both are actually, but I'm only actively reading the one at this second). It's called Old Souls by Tom Shroder. This guy (the writer) is a reporter who did some reading into reports (like real reports. Like The Journal of the American Medical Association shit) and then going on research trips with psychiatrist Dr Ian Stevenson, a guy who has devoted the majority of his career to documenting cases of reincarnation. I don't know what you believe, this book will make you think. Even if it makes you think just a little, engages your "what-if" factor for a minute, you can't not take something away from it. This journalist was a skeptic going into this. He kept an open mind, but he was really looking at all the ways this stuff didn't add up, the cracks in the stories. But this Dr Stevenson, he's got loads of cases, all documented in research papers and shite, he's done over 2500 of these cases. And the most fascinating part, the most mind-boggling thing that you just can't overlook, these people, his cases, they're fucking children. Little children who know things they should have no way of knowing. Like as soon as they start talking they're saying shit about people no one knows, asking to be taken "home," and saying things like, "you're not my mother/father." This isn't just some fantacy world, these kids speak of specific people and events from the past, and not centuries ago either. The individual they speak of may have died just months beofre the kid was born. And since this isn't exactly the stone age, people can locate family of whoever this kid says they were. This shit is scientifically documented. It blows the mind.
I'm going back to my book now, but I advise you guys to check it out. It's completely unbelieveable, and at the same time there's no way you can rationally not believe it.
I love this shit.

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