Thursday, December 14, 2006

A drunk girl's words are a sober girl's thoughts

I'm addicted to iTunes Radio. RadioActiveFM to be exact. I can't wait to get home and turn it on every day. It just plays the best shit. I was cut off for the last week cuz my internet's a little bitch and it was horrible. Horribly horrible. Some might even go so far as to call it terrible.
I don't want to be alone anymore. I don't like it. Being alone and cut off from the internet is a hell worse than any you could face in the afterlife. My buddy StapleGun is now gone. She was good for when you're lonely. Always doin somethin with that girl. And CrossBow's on vacation this week. Not really a vacation, she's just moving, but still, I haven't seen her in like... a week and a half? Two weeks? Who knows. Hefe I don't seem to see enough either, and he's leaving to drive home (to Washington) tomorrow night, and by the time he gets back I'll be gone. Shaft. I've been kicking it with another girl from work (the one I spent Thanksgiving with) cuz her little boy is on the east coast with her family. She's leaving me Saturday tho. But she's fun. We've been going to lunch (3 times this week, that's like a record) and fucking about at work and all sorts of silliness. I like her. She's fun. And she swears more than me, it's great.
Update on my Precious Zachary (my truck). He's dying. If he were human, I'd diagnose it as terminal cancer. But since he's not a human, I'll diagnose it as the death rattle in his engine, a fucked up headlight from some deuche on the freeway who didn't tie down the shit in his truck, a check engine light, future brake issues (oh I know they're coming, I replaced the front ones a year ago, the back'll get me soon), tire issues (I need new ones after the first of the year), and a strange sound possibly to be linked to my front alignment. And I refuse to keep dumping my lil bitty paycheck into him. He's 13 years old. He's been well loved. So when I go home for Christmas (5 days, Lord baby Jesus, help me), I shall have to purchase a Zachary Two (Finance gods permitting), and I shall then drive it home. My mother seems determined to send my lil bro down here with me, to keep me safe or some shit, I don't know, but if that little boy (He's 18) and I are trapped in a vehicle for 13+ hours, one of us is going to end up in a body bag. Plus, I can't stand how slow he drives. The boy doesn't seem to understand the concept of going over the speed limit. Especially when one has a radar detector. And he's not a fan of free-ways. I'll be much better off on my own. I can keep me awake just fine, and I'll drive at night. So much easier than fighting day-time traffic. I'm not thinkin the mother will go for this plan, but tough shit. Tough fucking shit momma. Bull shit even.
Lord, I have no idea what to get my parents. At all. But what with buying a new truck, I may not be buying them anything... That's gonna be painful in the pocket. Especially considering I'll be going from no payment ever to OUCH. So much for that new gym membership I was planning on in January. Oy, and it had an indoor pool... Shaft.
So yeah, I'm a whiney little bitch. If you don't like it, there's the door. Yeah, over there, need some help to it? Cuz my boot would be more than happy to assist you.
Ha! I love me. That's what a lil drinkin does. I get all, "Fuck you mother fucker, I can take you." Why is there no good music right now? What the hell is that? I hate the slow shit.
Jerk Store and Rev. Lick, you'll be taken off the Dead Bloggage list once you post for two weeks consistently. Some of you could argue that I don't even do that, but you could just fuck off. It's my list. I'll do what I want with it. I will. Deal with it.
Dude, I want to go get trashed with my buds; one good trashfest at a club before I go to my damn Mother's house. My parents don't drink. And I'm going to want to. Soooo bad. And to smoke. My parents stress me out. How the hell do people survive living in the same state as their parents? Maybe I just need to grow a set of balls and tell my parents I'm a big girl now. But... No, probably not.
K, I'm starting to fall asleep, and I have 2 doctor's appointments tomorrow (Bout my wonderfully awesome knees, and the other to the shrink I have to see because I drank that beer once upon a time durning lunchtime. Which apparently is a no-no. Well, hey, now I know.)
Anywho, night.

1 comment:

stonelifter said...

OK goofball, your knees can be your friend. you just have to get them correctly assessed. unless you have an underlying pathology then it is most likely due to muscular imbalance. women in general have weaker vastus lateralis (the outside muscle of the quadriceps)as is shown when females land from a jump the knees buckle in. the theory that women have a greater q-angle of the femur due to wider pelvis causing knee buckling has fallen out of favour as clinicly it has been shown with strengthening lateralis negates a lot of the buckling effect. along with that one should get assessed for balance between tensor fascia latae and gluteus maximus (front and back of the hip) as how they pull on the iliotibial band affects what the knees do. the other thing you can try is find someone who does proprioceptive taping. what you want to have happen if your knees have a propencity for buckling in is have the lateralis fire first as the quads are loaded yo resist medial movement of the knee joint. the nervous system sometimes needs to be reprogrammed as it operates via patterns and proprioceptive taping is used to reset firing patterns. the other problem you could also have would be the oppisite of lateralis in haveing weakness in the vastus medialis so when you bend the knee the medialis does not fir and the knee cap is pulled lateral. after a knee injury the nervous system sometines forgets the medialis so it atrophies and does little if nothing.squating with a volleyball between the knees will get it firing again.
find a good orthopedic assesser( that is the hard part) who recognises the interplay of the muscular and nervous systems and some one who can proprioceptive tape and rehab can be yours. by the way the best researchers in these methods are in austrailia.