Friday, March 09, 2007

I know, I know;

I'm supposed to be posting about last Saturday's going-out-ness.

Here's the story, skip if you'd like. There's no group bunny: Me, Crossbow, ThanksgivingGirl, Crossbow's sister, Crossbow's cousin, DD, and many other work fools went to a strip club. The kind where chicks strip. We had a hotel room, cuz this place was about an hour from home, mostly because the strip club didn't serve alcohol, and this way we had a place to get our drink on. We went straight to the hotel so Crossbow, her sister and her cousin could get ready. At this point there was the four of us, plus ThanksgivingGirl (TGG) and 3 other fools. The plan was to wait for the other people to show, then go grab some food, come drink some at the hotel, then go to the strip club. We ended up waiting a hella long time, and since there was alcohol, we started drinking. On empty stomachs. That's right, we're that stupid. I'm going to town with my bitch-beers, and eventually with my Patron, and Crossbow and her 2 relations are gettin it done with a bottle of Hennessy. Long story short, by the time that mother fucker DD (He was the designated dumbass last time we went out, and I'll probably just keep calling him that, to keep it simple in my mind) showed up at 10 something, we were way more trashed than we should have been. Especially me and Crossbow. We decide to go straight to the club, because they serve food there. Me, Crossbow and the cousin have decided to walk, everyone else grabbed a car. Crossbow's not walkin so good by now, so me and her cousin both have an arm around her, just walkin down the street. A couple of the cars came back to get us, since apparently this place is a couple miles down the street. Crossbow dives into the back seat of one fool's car through the fucking window, and over the headrest. I had decided to be all hardcore and keep walking, because damnit, I had the ability to walk. (I love alcohol. It makes my knees go away so I can use them again. I had already suggested that night that we skip the club and go to a 24 hour gym nearby, just cuz I was so happy with my knees. And cuz I was that drunk.) Then another car comes and scrapes my dumbass up, and on to the strip club we go.

Walking in, the bouncer dude asks Crossbow if she's gonna be ok, wobbling in on her super-cute Coach heels as she is, with one of my arms wrapped around her waist. She convinces him she's great, and we proceed to the lady at the register, who asks Bow if she's gonna puke. Bow tells the lady all's well, and we wander in to find tables and chairs for our party. Bow is all over the place, and I'm just trying to hold onto her so she doesn't take a tumble, while trying to find out if they're still serving food, and how to get some ordered and into her. We get up to find the Restroom, come back to find our seats stolen by our party, and Bow goes and sits in DD's lap, wrapping her arms around him and not letting go. I manage to pry her off of him and get her into a chair when she decides maybe she should go throw up. We make it to the bathroom, and she asks me to come into the stall with her, since she's forgotten how to throw up. I explain it in a way that she seems to understand, and hold her hair and her waist up while she heaves and heaves. This poor, poor girl was done. So done, she should have never left the hotel.

Bow's cousin wanders in and I put her in charge of Bow while i go try to round up a car to take our asses back to the hotel and tell her sister what's up. Bow ends up passing out in the bathroom, her sister carries her out of the club, and our whole fucking party decides they all need to take her back to the room... Completely unnecessary. Me, TGG and one other girl end up stripping Bow and putting her in her PJ's, then me and TGG got her all tucked in, with a trash can next to her on the floor. All the other fools wander in at one time or another to say they're headin out or just to see how bad Bow is. At this point, I have to admit I was pretty fucking trashed too, cuz I was hella over-protective of Bow. That asshole DD was saying "someone" should take pictures of her, and wouldn't it be bad if "someone" drew on her face. I told him I'd fuck him up if he tried. He ended up leaving. Ass face.

So me, Bow, the cousin, the sister, and one dude ended up sleeping in the room, everyone else went home. The next morning Bow orders room service, and eats toast while laying down (the funniest shit ever to see.) Then when she got to the crust she just threw that shit across the room. She was not the Lord that next morning. Come to find out she couldn't even remember leaving the hotel. She said she woke up hella pissed cuz we didn't go to the strip club. I ended up driving her home, and she wasn't 100 percent again till Tuesday. We went out Saturday.

No group bunny. No funny stories of Kay running thru residential areas because she's being chased by camera guys, and then stops to hurl all over someone's front yard. No real funny stories at all. Hell, I didn't even see any of the strippers, unless you count that one in the bathroom, who was really nice and quite funny.


Went to the doc yesterday and finally got some fucking painkillers. No, I'm not sharing. Unless you come entertain me. Then you can have the whole damned bottle.

I'm bored, I've been awake since 2:34, and I can't sleep.

I'm posting at an insane hour.

My alarm doesn't go off till 5.

I want to go back to the gay club we went to last time. It was so much fucking fun, you have no idea. The problem is that no one (outside of Bow) is really cool and down with going. They're having a huge party at that club this weekend. No cover all weekend... Anyone want to come to Sac-town and kick it with me?

Alright, I'm gonna go watch some bad early-morning TV.

Much love to you all.

You should go here, it's completely silly:



SOUNDS LIKE A DRUNKEN EVENING. and how nice of you to protect her! its always a tough one when you wake up with marker on your face in a strange place... great post!

Holly said...

Lots of good times, eh? But you know what I'm a bit puzzled about?

Strip Club Food.


I'd love to come up to Sac-Town and hit the gay bar, but sadly I can't get away this weekend.