I had my surgery this afternoon. My leg is wrapped from just above my knee all the way down to my foot and has been propped up since I got home at 4 pm. It hurts a bit, but I've been in more pain. I'm taking my pills religiously, and icing every hour or two. I'm awesome on crutches, and I'm allowed to put some weight on it.
Thanksgiving girl picked me up at 1030, stayed with me thru my nurse jabbing the fuck out of my hand to put my IV in, then when he switched to the other and finally managed to get it in. She left me at 1230. and I really appreciate her being there for me. She kept me entertained and laughing. She laughed her ass off when my nurse told me to stip and put on the sexy gown and I asked "EVERYthing?" and my nurse said I could "keep my panties on" (because TGG knows I hate that word).
Crossbow picked me up after I woke up at 230, and got me food and took me home. I'm feeling hella nauseous this second and need to go lay down before I hurl.
Thanks for all the well wishes.
SO WHAT DID THEY DO? did they take something out or put something in... move some thing around? did you get to watch or did they put you down... i would have wanted to watch! i love watching needles and iv's and shit, when i got my forehead sewn up from being stabbed, i asked for a mirror to watch! the doctor thought i was crazy. and i was so dissapointed to find out my skull was pink!! ha what an ignorant fool i was..
" i thought my bones would be white.?!"
"um, no they are redish color, they turn white when all they blood bleachs out"
anyway, have a good recovery and have a kokanee for me!!!
You know, the bitch of it is, I have no idea what they did. The doc didn't know what she'd find till she went in, and she didn't talk to me after cuz she said I wouldn't remember anyway. So I have to wait till Monday at my post op to find out what happened. I have some nasty looking pictures of the inside of my knee, and something looks all busted up (maybe my cartlidge?)
They knocked me out, and drugged me up, but I'm not a fan of watching such things, so that's perfectly alright with me.
Anyho, I'd drink a Kokanee for you, but with the drugs I've been on, my head's already so foggy, I can barely focus. Maybe this weekend bro.
Hope you feel like new real quick!
Aw...feel better soon...I send you all sorts of healthiness energy...and I'd send you a get well card, but you'd have to send me an address!
Enjoy your Kokanee and I hope you get well soon.
I hope your mysterious leg surgery heals quickly and you are back on your leg in no time.
I wish you well.
See what I did there? I gave you well wishes, but in a different way. That's how I role.
See what I did THERE? I spelled "roll" wrong. Wooo! Zany.
Feel better, chica.
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