1) I had knee surgery.
2) I had to pack to move into the new house.
3) I moved into the new house, which didn't have my cable hooked up immediately because Comcast had to schedule a hookup appointment, and my schedule's rather full of Physical Therapy appointments.
4) I haven't gotten my furniture delivered from "home" yet, so it's not exactly the bestest thing ever to be browsin the net from my floor. Cuz that's what I'm doing right now. Just for you.
5) I got a slight promotion at work, and haven't really got an office at the moment, which makes it difficult to blog at work.
6) I had a birthday which sucked mightily and I had to drown my sorrows. Still workin on that.
7) I have many many doctors appointments, filled with lots of bloodwork, non-answers, pain, painkillers that don't work and just make me sick, more appointments, less answers, 2 more surgeries in the near future, and a general sense of helplessness and depression.
So, that's pretty much it. I'm not going to pretend to drop some heartfelt apology on you, and you don't have to pretend to care.

My furniutre and such might get delivered this week.
I miss MarkyMark so much. I think the depression isn't helping much. Neither is not being able to sleep. I'm a wee bit stessed out:
I've got approximately 11 months left with this job, which means less than 11 months to figure out what the hell's going on with me medically before I'm without medical coverage.
I don't know where my life's going.
I'm getting old.
I have no concrete plans for my future.
In 11 months, may I come crash with one of you if me and Marky don't work out? I have no problem with sleeping on floors, and I have my own sleeping bag. Just don't hide my cane while I'm sleeping alright?
I believe I might have Fibromyalgia
I've got to try to get to sleep now or I'll be a trainwreck in the morning.
Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I have a million thoughts rambling through my head and none of them are worth sharing. Just saying I'm here, I'm alive, and I miss you all.
shit. i had hoped you found some large sum of money and went on a world tour of all the bars that sell kokanee... one can dream. anyway, good luck with knees and hope your stuff come to your new home in one piece!!! good luck!
Ahh my love. You poor baby. I have a birthday fast approaching and it's just depressing. Plus, I'm thinking moving in with MM wasn't the best thing in the world for me to do, but don't tell him I said that, k?
You can come live with me. It'll be tons-o-fun. We'll eat too much and drink too much and just be lazy drunk people together. Cool?
yeah birthdaze... mine is september 11th. can you say party?
I hope everything works out well for you...keep in touch via myspace!
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