As I'm sure you've guessed, I took today off work. I suppose I didn't really need to, since they'll be sleeping all day, but whatever.
Sorry I've been AWOL. I either haven't had anything to say, or I've been so beat by the time that I get home that I just completely crash. I don't even cook dinner most nights, just pass out.
I got Starbucks with Hefe last night, and we just chilled at his house talking till like 11. I don't know what it is, but me and that guy can just talk about the randomest shit for hours. We only shut up last night cuz I looked at my phone and saw that it was 11, and he had to work today. I stopped in at a 24 hour store for some necessary groceries last night, and ended up talkin to some weird (and I think drunk) dude for like 15 minutes. It was funny, he was going on and on about how Sacramento has a secret fued going on between all the different races, and how houses get burned down and shit. Crazy dude...
When I got home I cleaned up the house some. Just tryin to make it not appear to be so much of a war zone. I think I finally went to bed at 1 something.
When I went to my orthopedic surgeon last week she said my knee's lookin great, and I don't need to see her anymore. I was tellin her about my new problem, and she gave me about 2 week's worth of pills, and said to call her and let her know if they were working or not, and she'd write me a perscription. I guess these pills are something they've started using on people with Fibromyalgia. Dudes, they are the shit. While they don't take away all my pain (nothing does anyway), they do make it so I don't get the brain fog, which my last pills didn't do. This doc is fucking awesome. She said she was helpin me out cuz she likes me, and doesn't think someone my age needs to be using a frickin cane to walk. After she said that though I started thinking, why does this chick like me? I mean, there's nothing I could really see. It's been bugging me. She told me if there's ever anything I need, just call and she'll try to help me out. Which is awesome, but that I don't know why is bugging me. I know, just shut up Kay.
Then I met with my normal doc Tuesday, just to follow up on my million things going on. I've got a pre-op on the 6th, and surgery on the 15th. He said the Cat scan results (I've had two) can't tell if my lump/tumor/whatever in my neck is benign or malignant, so they definately want it out. They'll do testing on the tissue afterwards to find out if it's bad news. So I'll be out of work approx 5 days for that. Then after I'm fixed up from that I need to get the wisdom teeth out. And why wouldn't I be blessed with all four? My dentist said the bottom ones are in sideways, so they'll need to drill those bad boys out. It's cool though. After my first surgery I'm not really freakin out anymore. I'm cool with anyone cutting into me for whatever they need. I know it'll be alright. I'm not looking forward to the IV, but I'll do whatever I need to to get this shit straightened out.
(If you're a bit queasy about blood and needles you might just want to skip this):
I set a new personal record at the Lab this week. I needed one more blood test, just one little bottle. I walked in and said, "I don't want to be that guy, but can I request that either *Betty* or *Wilma* draw my blood today?" The chick sitting at the desk (we'll call her Pebbles, since she's a bit younger than my requested techs) remembered me, since she tries every time I go in there to get my blood, and fails every time. So Betty tried first, and stuck my right arm, with no love. Then I asked if she wanted to go for the hand, since that's what she had success with last time. She said if I was down, she'd give it a try. No love there either. The vein was moving in my hand, it just kept scooting away from the needle. Betty says she's done, and Pebbles asks if she can give it a try, since Wilma works in another part of the clinic now, and they're only to call her for emergencies. I tell Pebbles to go for it, I don't have a preference who tries. She also tries the right arm, since the veins there just feel better than the left arm. No love. The ladies feel so bad that they keep stabbing and stabbing me, but I feel bad because I'm making their job suck. Pebbles only tries once, then calls Wilma. So we're waiting for her to get there, and I ask if I can just paper-cut my finger and squeeze the blood into the little tube or something. They laughed and said they wished. Wilma shows, and they already have her little lab coat ready and waiting. I tell her that she's the super-hero who always sticks it on the first try, and she laughed and said I probally jinxsed her now. She tried the left arm, since the other was rather pin-cushioned by this time. No love. She must have nicked it or something though, cuz by the time she pulled the needle out there was a nice bruise already forming. So she went back to the right arm, and gets the vein instantly. They fill the little bottle in no time, and tape me up. I told them that I love them all, but really hope I don't have to come back and see them ever again. They're a great bunch of ladies, it's just not fun for any of us when I have to come see them. My doc even apologizes every time he has to send me to the lab. I'm not a squeamish about the needles anymore, though I don't like them by a long shot. I just try to joke and laugh about it, cuz otherwise it'll blow. And laughing's always fun. I know it's gonna suck, they know it's gonna suck, so why not at least have some fun with it? Maybe I should just learn to do it myself. Some other dude walked in for his own bloodwork when I was on my 4th poke, and he was watching all the trouble it was with me. I told him that they're all very good at their job... He laughed and didn't look so sure at all.
It was just MarkyMark's birthday. It kind of sucks not being able to celebrate birthdays together, but I get to make up for it soon. I love MarkyMark. We had quite a scare the other day because PieCat was missing. Marky was really starting to worry about her, she'd been missing for about 8 hours. PieCat was found in the shed, apparently MarkyMark's gramp had locked her in there on accident. MarkyMark washed her up, and she has barely left Marky's side since. Poor girl.
When my grandmother went on her little road trip this summer, her and gramps stopped at some garage sales (as usual), and found something they thought was perfect for me. I admit, when I first heard about it I said Hell-to-the-no! To my grams. Yeah, I'm a great kid... But then the idea started to not be quite as creepy. And now that's it's arrived (my parents brought him), I think it's mad cool. Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Rowdy (his tempory name, a homage to the stuffed dog on Scrubs). I keep catching him out of the corner of my eye and thinking he's moved. I keep freakin myself out. But I love him. How many people do you know that have someone's taxidermied dog from a garage sale in their freakin house? I'm not too sure MarkyMark will find it as awesome as I do...

Crossbow's off in Texas for some sort of super-special training. She won't be back till late September. By that time Hefe will be gone for his bullshit in North Carolina. And ThanksgivingGirl's leaving to go home to the east coast for 2 weeks. All my bro's are leaving me. I was thinking the other day, and I really need to get out and get some new friends. Really. Cuz in our job, you never know, they could decide to transfer any of my buds at any time. And then I'm completely assed out. I guess everyone doing their training and vacations just has me depressed or some shit. It just blows that once you get close to someone they leave (StapleGun, Choncho's leaving this weekend, SwimBoy has like a month left till his contract's up and he'll be leaving. He doesn't want to renew the contract, the wifey wants to move back to her home state of Florida.) I need friends that aren't from my work, so I don't have to worry about them leaving my ass all the time.
Whatever, I've rambled long enough, I'm gonna take a nap. Much love to you all, and I'll try to update more often. Try.
wow that was a plethera of info.
so the doc likes you, were you wearing axe-boom chikka wawa
hahahahah i kill me
Ha! That would have explained a lot if I was, but... I wasn't.
Yeah, info overload much?
Info is good, babe. Try HARD to update, yeah? I miss you when you go all quiet. :(
You know, I've got to be honest. I can't go to IHOP when I'm sober. We used to always go there at night after a drink-a-thon because it was the only thing open, and I can't bring myself to go there during the daytime to eat food on purpose.
That being said, I have been known to show up there on occasion when I'm hungover and nothing sounds better to me than biscuits and gravy.
GET BETTER! Happy Birthday to MarkyMark too. Next time ask the ladies to take the blood directly from your carotid artery. Yeah. That will be hard to miss.
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