I'm not quite sure where the week went. I had the surgery to put my port in on Tuesday, but didn't do my chemo till Wednesday. Apparently during surgery my heart started beating too fast, so they wanted to get an echo test on my heart before starting chemo (basically an ultrasound of the heart). So I stayed the night, got my echo first thing in the morning, and started my chemo at 9 or 10 am.
They don't just hook you up to the chemo first thing though. I had to have a test dose of one of the drugs to make sure I didn't have a "reaction" to it. Then I had to wait an hour to see if I reacted. Then CrossBow showed up (she'd gone home Tuesday night, since she wasn't a prisoner.), and they put some sort of anti-anxiety/sleepy shit in my IV. It made me more relaxed but I sure as hell didn't sleep. Then they put my anti-nausea meds in. Then they started with the chemo. By this point, breakfast was long gone from my system, and I was craving a muffin, so I sent CrossBow out on a scouting mission. So I'm sitting there in my chair, hooked up to my chemo, eating a blueberry muffin. Not exactly the chemo I had pictured in my mind... Then CrossBow and I were a bit bored, so we were playing FamilyFeud on my laptop, and the nurses started joining in. It was pretty fun stuff.
On the way home we stopped at Arby's to grab some grub (for the life of me I can't remember what I had), and then Bow dropped me off at home.
I haven't worked since last Friday. As long as I'm feeling alright I'll be back on Monday. All I've been doing is sleeping, waking up to eat, and sleeping some more. I feel completely exhausted, but thanks to all the anti-nausea drugs, I haven't been hugging the toilet like I expected to.
They say my hair will fall out somewhere between the first and third weeks, so look out for that shit.
Much love to you all, I'm off to eat or sleep, I'm not really sure which.
dang girl... whats neckst.... ha ha.. good luck to you! try to enjoy the weekend would jah....
Aww, Kay Baby. Much love and many prayers and good thoughts directed your way.
Holy crap...that all happened so fast! I am praying for you...and if you need anything, you better let me know!
when your hair falls out, you should send me some. i can post about how you are sending me the weirdest shit ever... it'd be funny
i really am sorry you are going through all this kay.
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