Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I've got a post for you

It's just stuck in my brain.

Me and Hefe went to San Fran on Sunday, and had many adventures. I'm going to share them, and some pics, just not right now.

Crossbow's coming home Friday and I can't wait to see her.

I've been having some nasty sleeping problems lately, and I'm drained. I'm going back to my oncologist tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get some more info.

Any way, I'm here, I'm just not really here.

Much love, I'll try to get that post up soon,


cher said...

can't wait for adventure photos! they are always the best!

Kay said...

This weekend I swear.

Hefe leaves tomorrow morning for the next 6 plus months, Crossbow gets back today (and time now), and I'm playing hooky from work to go drop Hefe's truck at a storage unit right now. Let's see if the big bosses are mad when I get back to work next week...

Fuck em all, have a great weekend kids!