Friday, November 30, 2007

I hurt

I hate chemo.

I'm addicted to Guitar Hero.

I miss MarkyMark.

My stomach's very upset from Wednesday's chemo.

On the bright side, I haven't had to fuck with laxatives in quite some time.

I meet with the radiation people on monday to find out what they'll be doing to me when chemo's over.

2 more chemo's.

Much love.

And I don't care about you either.

Except I do.

Cher-All I can think of for your contest is "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I loves me some Cher... Something Something fuck you." So I think I'll sit this one out.

Inner Voices-your dedication to punishing that liver is something I can only sit in awe of.

Jerk-Much love. Much love.

Sush-No booze for me yet, but MarkyMark definitely put a dent in my fridge stockpile.


cher said... sweat.
but you should enter just that.
it's funny.

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Aw, I wish I could give you a hug and I wouldn't try to cop a feel or squeeze your butt or anything either.

.....ok, we both know that's a lie. I better stick to the virtual hug.


cher said...

kay, your friend inner voice cracked me up. i think i'm gonna steal him from you.

Kay said...

Oh no you don't. No stealing allowed. I'll pimp him out from time to time if you want, but Inner Voices is mine.

cher said...

well, we'll just see won't we?


i just blew red bull out my nose and onto my coworkers computer. you ladies are wonderfully fun! kay i hope you are doing well... we didnt win the poetry contest, im not sure how that happened. but if there is another one, rest assured i'll be kicking some ass then!!!

cher said...

red bull out your nose? nice. my work here is done!

cher said...

oh, and i LOVED that you called me a lady! haha


red bull, tastes like shit going down and burns out the nose on the way up! so what the hell have you done to kay? have you kidnapped her? kay, come back! send us a smoke signal, and i'll send you something to smoke signal with!