More juicy Edits. Get out your wet suits... I haven't really done a damn thing. I've taken painkillers (sometimes in vain) to try to make my pain go away. When my brain's not in a total fog, I watch some TV. I read the paper. I call people and try to have coherent conversations. Sometimes I don't try to have coherent conversations, and just talk anyway. When the pain's at it's worst, I call someone, usually my dear mother, and tell them to talk to me. Listening to someone, and not having to talk myself seems to help when nothing else can.
I started drawing, just to keep my hands busy, and for something to do. So far just people. Just pencil sketches really. I used to be alright back in the day, and it's something I enjoy. I realize I need practice, lots and lots of practice. But I don't care. The only one I'm doing this for is me. And everyone's their worst critic right? So believe me, I have no illusions regarding my skill.
I've been using pictures for my guideline. I like to use black and whites, just because that makes it sooo much easier for shading and whatnot. My first picture was of MarkyMark, and I was trying to draw it from a picture in my cellphone. Yeah, that didn't work out so well. I abandoned that sinking ship, and moved onto the lovely Mr Depp. Now, I'll admit that I fucked him up, but, at least you can mostly figure out who it is. Couldn't say the same for poor MarkyMark. The next picture to catch my fancy was the wonderfully talented Kate Beckinsale. Sadly, she came off looking more like Hilary Swank. Shaft.
I was at a loss to pick my next victim. Then the wonderful Cher offered a solution; I should draw her! I am sad to say, I did her no favors. It's a barely recognizable Cher that I found staring back at me from the paper when I finished. I'm terribly sorry mi amiga. I shall try again once I've worked on my skillz a bit. Edit: So I yanked the picture when realized I neglected to ask Miss Cher if I could post my rendering up here... My bad. But now that we have Cherental permission, it's back! /Edit
Then I moved onto that Pirates of the Caribbean heroine. This was a bit of a challenge, since she's laying on her back with her head turned to the side looking into the camera. I'm actually rather stumped as to how to continue, so she's been put on hold for the time being.
Tonight I started another drawing, I'll share that when I'm done. Or when I give up. Whichever comes soonest I suppose. Perhaps by the time I fill this sketch book I'll be content with my level of skill. Of course, if that happens, then I'll quit trying to improve, so maybe not.
The parentals and younger brother will be arriving Saturday evening, and staying until sometime the following evening. Retardation Edit: They're staying till the following Saturday, not the following evening. Who drives 800 miles to stay for one night? I'm sure it will be a unique holiday. I hope you're done with your Christmas shopping and no longer have to venture forth into the hell that all the stores have become.
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year.
hahahahahhahahaaaa first!!! cher is off slacking or getting beaten down by her man thing!!!!
Aww, I love those drawings! Seriously. You're extremely talented. Want to draw my kids for money?
Sorry about the pain, sugar. Fuck it, right? You can call me if you want to listen. I can talk for hours non-stop. :)
Much love!
Inner Voices: I'm not a sketch artist. I'm thinking that would be rather hard to do, since you're drawing from a scared eye witness's description, and every person sees something different... I haven't tried the whole pain defelection thing, but that didn't seem to work so well a few weeks ago when I fell off the curb and busted my ass, so I'm gonna avoid that thanks. And the chemo's working. The Kanser's losing. It's all good bro.
Congrats on beating Cher.
Holland: I'd draw your kids for a challenge, but since I screw something up in every picture (at this point in time), there's no way you'd be payin me. And I might call you after the next chemo. Watch out...
Kay, are you nuts? take her money. you will need it when you move here. it's expensive remember?
I could tell it was Johnny Depp right away. It's really good. I don't even recognize myself in a mirror most times. You are brave for posting your drawings. I kinda cringe at the thought of doing that.
Inner Voices- you are a better man and blogger than me. I put a stop to the slacking of posting only to mention that i will be slacking in my posting.
Oh, and Kay, your mom called. She wants her panties back.
Call me whenever you want, but I wasn't joking about talking non-stop, just so you're warned.
And yeah, what Cher said. Except that part about you moving there. You can use the money to come see me instead. :P
I could tell it was Cher right off the bat, Johnny Depp too. Your sketches are really good. Think you should do more.
My oldest friend is battling the same thing as you. She's at #6 out of 12 chemos.
Kanser's losing: beautiful words.
You're all very nice. I realize I need work, but at least by blogging the sketches I can kind of keep track of when I did them. My mind's so sketchy, it's not even funny. Mostly I keep the blog to help jog my memory about everything. MarkyMark's always talking about stuff from when we first got together, and I can't recall any of it. It's sad.
Cher: I don't see it as brave to post up my pics here, I have no delusions about them. At least ya'all will be able to see them (hopefully) improve. My mom's panties? Are you serious with that? You went beyond there. I love you to death.
Halls: I'll call. Watch out... I'm down to listen to some crackheadedness.
Tina: Thanks. I do them just to pass the time and keep my hands and mind on something. I wish your friend all my love and lots of warm fuzzy thoughts. Halfway thru the chemo is when you really start to lose hope. And I lucked out, I only had 8 sessions.
I didn't mean to ignore your comment Inner Voices: Kanser's a nasty thing, and it's happening to so many good people. I'm just thankful that there have been so many advances in medicine. I went into this knowing I had about an 80% chance of full recovery. I'm just glad I was one of the 80, not the 20%. It sucks, and I whine a lot, but I'm getting better, so I should really just shut it and deal.
My bad... It's Tena. I knew that. My fingers are just retarded. I beg your forgiveness. are very talented. I can definitely tell who all of them are except Cher (because I don't know her) and Kate (because at first I thought she was River Phoenix). Of course, I am on some Codiene, so that could be why I see River Phoenix every fucking where I look.
I love you babe, and I hope you feel much better.
Merry Christmas!
Everyone misspells Tena. It was my great-grandmother's name so I inherited her goofy spelling.
Thanks for your sweet thoughts for my friend. She's not in a good place right now, as you can imagine. Twelve chemos sounds like six too many.
12 Chemo's is 12 too many in my opinion. That stuff will jack you up.
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