Edit: Now with pictures!
California Kay and Lolo wish you a very Merry Christmas. I'm currently snowed into the lovely state of Washington, while my Lolo is happily keeping ChopStyx company back home in Cali. Did I metnion there's no cell reception here? The snow won't stop falling, and it's made the power flicker a few times, though thankfully we haven't lost it yet. The parents got the driveway plowed yesterday, but we got 7 new inches of snow

overnight, so it's starting to fill it in... Wonderful right? White Christmases are totally overrated, BTW. I have not left this house in 5 days and it's starting to show. If I lose connection to the internet, somebody's going to die.
I just wanted to share some pixelated love with all of you, and tell you I'm thinking of you. Happy Holidays kids.
Here in Chicago, we just had our second snow storm in two weeks. Enuf already.
Merry Christmas!
Hugs from Tena
Definitely enough snow. I'm ready to go home to Cali.
Hey! Your back! Okay, I'm sorry I never called you back to chat, Who has time for phones anyways?! Congratulations on the little fuzzball. Oh and merry christmas too!
Awe, Cheese commented! I miss you girlie.
Once I'm back to civilization, with my cell signal and all that, I'm totally calling you. And we will talk. And it will be awesome!
Brace yourself.
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