Please circle the answer that best fits you for the following questions (and remember, there are no wrong answers, but some answers may guarantee that CaliforniaKay isn't the girl for you).
-Do you, or does anyone close to you, consider you to be "crazy"?
Yes-----No-----Define "Crazy"
-Are you currently employed?
Yes-----No-----I'm in school-----On paper?
-Are you single?
Yes-----No-----Ish-----Depends on what your definition of "You" is
-Are you a girl?
Yes-----No-----I like to dress up like one and have people call me Candy
-Are you a boy?
Yes-----No-----I like to dress up like one and have people call me Bud
-Which best describes your hairstyle:
-How often do you believe a shower is necessary:
Daily-----More than once daily-----Bi-Weekly-----Weekly-----Bi-Monthly
-A dog's place is
Outside-----Inside, not on furniture-----Depends on the size-----It's my baby!!!
-Do you do any of the following in your sleep:
Talk-----Sleepwalk-----Snore-----Punch-----Kick-----Stab-----Eat-----Drive Cars
-What food would you risk food poisoning for?
-Do you dance?
Yes-----Not when people can see me-----No
-Which dance move would most embarrass you in public?
The Macarena-----The Sprinkler-----The "White Girl"-----A line dance
-The worst possbile thing that could happen on a first date:
-Which of the following do you consider to be least a sport:
Cheerleading-----WNBA-----LPGA-----Any Golf League-----Professional Poker
If, after completing this list, you think you are a normal human, you should send it to me with a picture and your full name, so that I may mock you online for all to see. Again, send the info to
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