Saturday, November 28, 2009

I don't do sick very well

I get bored easily, and when I'm sick I'm usually too tired to invent new ways to amuse myself. And yes, the internet is a fun, entertaining thing, but even that gets old after a few hours. At this point I usually turn to movies. But you can only rewatch a movie so many times. So I turn to my fellow humans for entertainment. But since I've got this lovely mouth-breathing raspy thing going on, the phone is not ideal. And apparently the family feels "We love you honey, but if you're sick you need to stay in your own house." Because whoever gave me these germs so kindly stuck to that little rule...

I'm bored and frustrated with my sickness. It has left me bouncing between hot and cold like a ping pong ball bounces between Beer Pong teams in a Frat House. I'm super exhausted. I'm torn between hunger and nausea. I feel like I'm wasting a perfectly good weekend, not to mention a rare opportunity to see Little Bro. And I'm very, very bored.

< /end pity party>


Tena Russ said...

Well, that sux. Hope you're out of the grunge soon.

Kay said...

I thought all was well when I woke up this morning, but then on my way to school I got a lovely migraine, closely followed by the return of the snot monster.

I am much better than the weekend though. I get sick every month or two now, you'd think I'd be used to it.