After a two week hiatus caused by migraines and busy schedules, tonight it's time to bake. Tonight is devoted entirely to experiments, so stay tuned for pictures. That's right, we're updating all night.

First experiment: the tried-and-true brownie cupcakes with several as yet undecided variations. Check back soon!

Brownie cupcakes are just coming out of the oven. Half have an oreo inside, the other half have a chewy chips ahoy. These will either be awesome or epic failures.
More pics when they cool and I cut them open.

Now on to gingerbread cupcakes!

Just as the Gingerbread were going into the oven, it was time to bust open those brownie-cookie cupcakes and see how they turned out.

Oreos inside of brownies=not a delicious delight. I actually threw it away after 2 bites (one has to double check).

Chewy Chips Ahoy inside of brownie=EPIC! My tastebuds cried with joy over the sweet, sugary victory they were tasting.
Oddly there is no picture of the Gingerbread Cupcakes. They were very yummy though, and received good reviews at the sleepover I may or may not have had Friday night.
Hello..need more updates!
Sorry, my laptop went retarded and wasn't letting me into the chip with my pictures.
I was taking pictures and notes though. Let's try again...
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