As I lie here in my peaceful bath of bubbles and Epsom salts, the sound of whatever my DVR is set to record Wednesday nights playing in the background, I am struck with a profound, even life-altering thought. Is it the cure for cancer? Is it the meaning of life? Is it a way to spit out the billion stories of epic adventures floating around in my head? Nay. It is the realization that I have created a monster. Lolo has been sitting outside the bathroom door (that I had to trick her into going through mind you) whining for 15 solid minutes. While I have made much progress and am now able to take my showers dog-free roughly 95% of the time, Lolo believes that any time a bath is drawn, it is for her. As soon as the water starts running she mysteriously appears from whatever adventure had previously been holding her ADHD brain captive and will jump into the tub. It doesn't matter if she is dead asleep or outside running around like a mini wildebeest. As soon as the shower is turned on in fill-the-tub mode, Lolo is there.

I now realize I cannot live in a house that does not have a bath tub. I cannot live with anyone who intends to take baths frequently (because how do you explain an 8 pound monster who does not care who is in the tub when she decides it's bath time?) I'm not even sure I can have roomies again, because we would have to take Lolo's bathtub needs into consideration when scheduling shower shifts. (Side note: do people really do that? Schedule shower shifts? I've only ever had one roomie, but I assume that if there were several people who needed to get up and out the door around the same time that it would be problematic...)

She's a monster, plain and simple. She will spend as much time in the tub as I let her. She has these two little penguin swimmer toys, they zoom around the sides of the tub and she chases them. It's the most entertaining thing ever. As soon as I find the chord for my camera I'll upload the videos. In the mean time, we're mysteriously running low on bubble bath, and my allotted bath time is up. The upside: once Lolo's done with bath time she's usually ready to crash. Score!
Halloween story and Dating Chronicles are still on their way.
Need photos!!
Just like a kid..bath, then bed.
I'm here showing comment love because you're awesome.
That is all.
@Tena-Those pics are just for you. Lolo does NOT hold still so until she's worn out, pictures are a challenge.
@Holls-Just showing love because I'm awesome? Not because I may or may not have been harrassing you to get back into the blogging world?
That harassment may or may not have contributed to the cause. I'm not saying it did, but I'm not saying it didn't either.
Just back from a weekend out of town. I'll post about that later today.
Your Lolo is adorable, thanks for the photos. I have sausage envy.
Sausage envy is the best kind of envy to have. It's science.
Sausage envy is delicious and nutritious.
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