Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Its 1:30

I have no idea what day it is.

I have had 5 or 6 shots of tequila since last night.

My back still hurts...It might be time to call the VA...

I am currently making pasta.

I am supposed to be updating you with lovely stories of something or other, but anyone who has followed me for any length of time knows that I lie about updates.

I have wasted a few hours on Texts From Last Night today. It makes me laugh till I cry and I hurt. And then I laugh some more.

I have planned out the menu for Friday's sleepover. (Blush pasta, creme brulee for dessert, with homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast.) All diets will die a horrible, twisted death on Friday.

I made lemon curd for some reason I have not yet deduced.

I came up with an epic story about epicness that I spent 4 hours researching info for this morning (yesterday morning?), only to not know how to end it, and leave it barely started but lingering in the back of my brain.

I was introduced to a horrifying blog that made me realize that my hair is much, much gayer than I had ever thought.

I am totally listening to Selena Gomez's Kiss & Tell CD right now.

This girl just learned that wall sits make her knees feel like they're going to explode. Oops.

And now my pasta's done.

Love love,


Tena Russ said...

I think I just got a contact hang-over from this post.

Are you okay?

Kay said...

Of course. I always drink plenty of water.

And upon waking, I decided upon a different direction for my story that works much more better.

Lovely Wednesday we have going on. How are you today ma'am?

Tena Russ said...

Everything's groovy over here. I just started querying agents to see if I can get my novel repped. I have no illusions about this, only vague hopes. It's not the best time in the history of the world for a debut novelist. I will persevere. I'm enjoying reading your alphabet pieces. Curious to know what you want to do with them.

Kay said...

They were my final paper in my Creative NonFiction class. I turned it in a couple of weeks ago. I keep rethinking some of them though, not sure if I want to axe the letters and start over, or just leave them alone.

Kay said...

And I heard something about a rough economy having some effect on the book publishing industry, but I'm sure that's just a wild rumor.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Tena Russ said...

No rumor -- wild or otherwise -- about the state of the publishing world. It sux.

As for your short pieces, they seem to be part of a whole that could be expanded. You are a very good writer and I'm glad you're taking your talent seriously.

M said...

Pasta and cinnamon rolls? Why was I not invited to this sleepover?

Laycie Lestrange said...

I wish that you would frequently cook for me.

Diets are for the weak.

Hope your pasta was good.

Kay said...

Holland, How many times does a girl have to tell you to move to Washington?

Laycie-I don't normally cook. I'm much more of a baker. And dude, if I ever saw you, I would totally share. I can't eat leftovers, so everything is forced upon friends.