Thursday, May 13, 2010

Friends, meet DrunkKay

Edward Norton had Tyler Durden (or Brad Pitt, if you must be specific). I have DrunkKay.

She has grand adventures that I have no recollection of, except when she wants me to. The other morning, I was walking up the steps to my bathroom, absentmindedly scratching at my right underarm, when I saw a note scrawled onto my bathroom mirror in Dry Erase Marker:

"Dear Kay,
Enjoy that Razor Burn. Be glad I didn't get the brows.

I raised my arm to peer at my armpit in the mirror, and sure enough, razor burn.

Then the previous night started coming back to me. I was washing the makeup off my face, when DrunkKay spied my electric razor charging on the counter. Hmmm. Idea.

"DrunkKay, what are you doing?" asked the normally logical Kay, lounging on the couch in the back of my mind.

"Hush. MorningKay will love it. She'll think it's hysterical. You'll see."

Then, because DrunkKay knows that MorningKay's late-night memory isn't so great (with or without a boost from alcohol), she decides maybe we should leave a note. MorningKay is always writing reminders on her mirror, so DrunkKay wipes off the half-remembered dream and writes her note.

Kay reads the bit about the brows from her position on the couch, and says, "DrunkKay, you wouldn't..."

"Nah, that'd just be mean. Funny, but mean. But MorningKay doesn't need to know that we're not serious about that."

Kay and DrunkKay wander off to bed, giggling about their latest prank.

I love DrunkKay. She's like that prankster roommate, except she knows exactly what I'll think is funny, and I know she means me no harm. When she remembers to leave me reminders, I can recall the previous night's adventures. When it's happening, it's like I'm lounging on the couch, watching it all go down and laughing. I love that bitch.

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