Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Not Quite but Related to Kay's Blind Gayting (mis)Adventures: First Loves

I'm really struggling with the next scene in the Big Gay Charity Date Auction. And then I heard this song and my mind was off and running on a different tangent. I am completely in love with Gardening, Not Architecture. You should be too. The Florida Sessions (Demos) 021312: My First Love

Longtime readers might remember MarkyMark. MarkyMark was my first love. Perhaps not my first crush, but certainly the first person I ever loved more than myself. The first person I would do anything for. The first person I dreamed of a Happily Ever After with.

Perhaps we were doomed from the start. We were so incredibly young, so incredibly naive. We met first quarter, freshman year in college. We were both freshly 18. We had Calculus and Sociology together. I'll admit I was eyeing MarkyMark in Calc class. When I walked into Sociology and saw her again, you can bet I grabbed a seat nearby. MarkyMark quickly became my best friend. MarkyMark was my first kiss. My first relationship. My first everything really. I really thought we could conquer anything, that we'd always be together. I was so young.

I put a serious dent in MarkyMark's heart when I ran off to join the Air Force. Long distance relationships suck. But we made it work. We did it for four long years until we just couldn't anymore. We probably held on too long. I will always love MarkyMark, but I don't think we should ever date again. We've even discussed it, neither of us desiring that sort of relationship. We would have ended up holding each other back from what we really wanted to accomplish in life. And we make much better friends. I'm so glad I can still count MarkyMark as one of my closest, dearest, oldest friends.

Do I regret some of the things I said? Absolutely. Do I regret some of my behaviors? Of course. I was so young. I never meant to hurt MarkyMark. But I don't regret my first love or anything I learned from it.

I <3 you MarkyMark. Happy Valentine's Day.


Michelle said...

*Tears up*
Thanks a lot...I stayed away from my bawling tv show triggers today for a reason.
Aw...I remember MarkyMark...I love this post.

Kay said...

Not at all what I was intending to write today, it just kind of came out.

I ended up crying at the most ridiculously cheesy BFF bullshit today. And wanting to vomit at the Valentine's stuff. I am so clearly winning at everything.

Anonymous said...

I <3 you too Punkin.