(If you like it you should check out her whole Bright Lights CD):
I consider myself a pretty positive, happy, up-beat person. I can find the good in pretty much any situation. So when I find myself angry for no reason it tends to throw me. I usually retreat (or go into "Hermit Mode") until I can figure out what's going on and try to fix it.
I don't like angry or violent people. They scare me a bit and I choose not to be around them. I don't tolerate yelling well either. The couple-friends that I drink wine with around the bonfire from time to time? I choose to never drink enough that I cannot safely drive home because the male half tends to get a little angry when he's had too much. He starts yelling about frivolous things and wants to pick fights with the neighbors. That's when I go home.
I found myself inexplicably angry for the last two days, wanting to tear into everyone for any reason. That's not me. I don't know what triggered it, but it was followed by an inability to stop sleeping yesterday (I'm normally quite happily a 3-5 hour sleeper when not sick). Followed by an inability to sleep last night. I've been up for 22 hours and show no signs of tiring. I'm freezing and have been for the past couple of days, but I'm happy and awake. *shrug* I can deal with that.
I'm now exactly two weeks into my new med, but it's a med I've been on for extended periods before. It's basically a supplement and shouldn't have any side effects. But when I'm on pills of any kind, November 2010's little ER visit is never far from my mind and I am trying to keep a cautious eye on all my symptoms and moods. I'm pretty happy, optimistic even, and not as stressed as I was in the week leading up to the Shingles outbreak, yet here we are... I don't really know what's going on or what to expect, but I'm putting this out there so you're aware of what's going on in my world.
I start weekly acupuncture tomorrow, *fingers crossed* that it helps. We are in NorCal's rainy season, so my Fibro's trying to be a jerk, but the pills seem to help. I'm supposed to take 6 a day (2 at a time, three times a day unless I flare, at which time I'm to take 1 less pill. Confusing, right?) I'm also supposed to cut carbs, which frankly sucks. But I'm attempting to keep an open mind and am willing to try anything once or twice. Well, except Celexa (Citalopram). Fuck Celexa.
I love you dearly and wouldn't be where I am today without you. Yes, you. Thank you. I need you in my world, so no disappearing k? Bear with me.
I greatly dislike angry drunk guys that like to pick fights. I wish blogger had a "dislike" button. It's the lazy person's way to comment.
I hope you are happier soon. I'm thinking chatroulette would give you a much needed dose of positivity.
Acupuncture is amazing. Worked for me.
Why are there ads on your page for dating older women? I don't want a sincere older single. I was hoping it said "shingles."
So... You're looking for "Sincere older shingles?" Interesting. Kinda gross, but we don't judge here.
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