Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Good morning

So what if it's not morning? Worked late, just finally gettin my thoughts formulated enough to put them in some semblance of order here.

Guess what bitches? I've got a new Editor! My work forked over (I just found out the actual price tag today) several thousand dollars for Avid Express Studio HD! I'm so excited, I'm getting all girly. I know, it's completely horrible. But I just thought they were gonna buy me some cheap little upgrade (actually that cheap little upgrade was still 4 or 5k), but they went all out, and even bought me the Mojo! I feel like Austin-Fucking-Powers here. I'm so happy, I have this huge smile on my face I can't get rid of. It doesn't even matter that I have so much work already that I won't even be able to think about touching this beautiful, luscious new system till sometime next year, it's just that I've got it. Can I get a "Yea baby!" Anyone??

And then I've got this damn song stuck in my head:

But I kinda like it so it's ok. Ish.

And oh yeah, did I mention that I'm now hooked on The L Word? Downloaded the pilot this weekend cuz I'd always meant to get around to it, and now I can't download the rest of the episodes fast enough. It's sad. And no, I don't get Showtime, so I can't watch the season as it airs for normal people. I'm poor, poor, pitiful Kay, who pirates episodes like there's no tomorrow. Which there might not be if I can't get my grubby little paws on Season 1 Episode 5 tonight... Arrrrr.


1 comment:

stonelifter said...

so video editing programs make you moist,how interesting