Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm in love again

Sorry I've been negligent of you my pretties, but I'm in love again.
This time I've fallen for that gorgeous Itailian beauty from Food Network.

Give up? Her name's Giada De Laurentiis, host of the show Everyday Italian. And I'll admit I'm a picky as hell eater, I mean, I don't like frickin anything, but watching her show, I want to try stuff. I was at the local Target (pronounced Tar-je), and found 2 copies/series/volumes of her show, and bought them, and have watched a few, and am totally in love.
The food she makes is unbelievable, and the camera work and editing is great. Most food shows the camera man's a freakin dork, constantly cutting to an extrememe close-up of the food'hands, and it keeps going out of frame, and you can't even tell it IS a hand, and the all over movement makes you want to hurl. But on Giada's show, it's beautiful. And she's funny shit. And if it weren't illegal in most states, I'd totally marry her. Or, you know, at least propose.
Plus she's got this restraunt down in L.A.
So yeah, great show, you should totally watch. Or go get it. Or whatever. And she's got a cookbook, I just haven't found it yet. But I will. And then I will share the beauty of it with you.
But in the meantime, check with Food Network's website to see when you can catch Giada's show so that you too can fall in love with her.


stonelifter said...

i would do her

Kay said...

Well Said

Shanshu said...

I just discovered Rachel Ray because I am behind the times. I got one of her cookbooks for Christmas.

Kay said...

Rachel Ray's alright.
But Giada's way better.
Unless you don't like Italian. Then you should stick with Rachel.

Kay said...

It would indeed.
Probably not sanitary though. The FDA and whatnot might not like that. Plus, you have to consider hot food splatters probably would be exactly comfortable.
But it'd definately improve ratings.