Monday, February 27, 2006


So. I've been gone a long time. Ish. And the last post or few was/were total shite. My excuses are pretty much summed up by THL's excuse post. So ditto.
But in my defense, I've totally posted to you in my head like a bazillion times. That's right, a bazillion.
So I finally found a hobby. I now crochet. That's right. Just like your grandma. But it's actually fun. I finished my first project yesterday. A pretty blue scarf. I'll maybe even upload pictures at home.
But now I don't know what to do next. I was thinking another scarf, but maybe switch it up and do a triple-crochet next (I only did a double-crochet on this one). But I just don't know.
I've been a little depressed lately. Nothin too major, happens every winter, about January... But this morning was great. I've been playing oldies on my Apple. I consider oldies to be the stuff I grew up listening to, as in the stuff my Dad was always playing: Steve Miller, Bread, Kanasa, Styx, The Eagles, The Moody Blues (my first concert, they're frickin awesome at an outdoor concert!), Chicago, Journey, America...
I just love listening to good music in the morning. That puts my in the best mood ever. Even if it's Monday. Even if bad things happen.
Man. Update on that. One of my buds who works here (except she works down the hall, not really with me at all) just talked to her big boss-man, and she's basically getting fired. Big time. She just came and told me. I want to cry for her. Except that doesn't help anything. But what the hell do you do? Fix it oldies music, fix it...

I feel like Keira Knightley in Domino (which came out last Tuesday, and you should totally go buy): "...Never invest too much emotion into any one thing..."
I'll be back.


Shanshu said...

OMG I had a sex dream last night about Keira Knightley!!!

So random. I'm not even that attracted to her...I mean, she's hot and I wouldn't kick her out of bed...but I don't usually find myself fantasizing about her.

So the fact that I had a sex dream about her is random enough...then you had to go and mention her in a post, and now I'm thinking about her again.

Ah, well.

Hope you are doing better today, than yesterday. Just have some group bunny...that always does the trick.

Kay said...

Today's going ok.
I'll try the group bunny though, just for you. And I'll invite Keira. And you of course.

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Well I keep on thinkin 'bout you sister golden hair.

Kay said...

Sister Golden Hair! Oh I love you. I don't have that one in my ipod yet. It's in my WMP, but iTunes won't convert the files, so I just download them via Bearshare. I'm getting that tonight.
Any other suggestions?