Thursday, April 27, 2006

Just some news linkage.

This article says Republicans are advocating sending $100 rebate checks to millions of taxpayers to help cushion the impact of higher gasoline prices, and a Democrat is leading the campaign for a 60-day gasoline tax holiday. The gas tax holiday would cut the cost of gasoline by more than 18 cents a gallon and reduce the price of diesel fuel by more than 24 cents a gallon.
Not sure which idea is better, they should cut us both.
And then according to an article in The World Tribune, if politicians would just shut up about the increase in gas, prices would drop $15 a barrel. And since barrels are currently sitting at about $75, that'd be quite nice. The article goes on to say that Qatar intends to allocate $5 billion over the next five years to boost oil production capacity to 1.1 million barrels per day, instead of the current 850,000.
I just wish the damn stuff would go down. Or soon I'm going to have to get a bike and like, exercise or something.

Just passing on a couple things I found interesting.


stonelifter said...

well it is ove r a buck a litre here and this city has a big fatt refinery ro so it should actually be cheaper as there are no transport costd,but it is not

Kay said...

Fuel is just a big fat shaft.
According to another news article, Exxon has reported $8.4 Billion in proffits in the last 3 months alone. Complete and utter bullshit is what this is.

exile said...

they're gonna send out $100... that's what, 2 tanks of gas? thanks a whole fucking lot.

i can't belive a monoploy like this is allowed to exist. normally monopolies are the result of one company owning everything. but all the companies are in leauge, so really, they've all become one company.

... if only cars ran on bullshit, then polititians would become useful again.