I woke up at 5:38 this morning, thinking, "Sweet, I beat the alarm." Got up, went to the bathroom, then has an epiffany; "Wait a second... It's not Friday... Damnit! It's Saturday isn't it? How the hell am I awake? I just went to sleep at 12 something..."
Yes, it went just like that.
So I washed my hands and went back to bed.
Work was the biggest bitch this week. Like a normal bitch, plus a double helping of PMS. That's right, that big of a bitch. But it's finally OVER. Everything should return to "normal" now. I'll post more normally (read: almost every day), I'll get to check the news, I'll spend almost zero time in my own office, and I will frickin love it. I hate my office. I should see what I can do to spruce it up, make it more appealing... Maybe hang some posters (appropriately framed of course), knock out a few walls for windows, you know, something like that.
Anywho, what've all you been up to? How's life, how's your mom? Ha, had to say it, sorry. The new boss (yeah, they pass me around like a game of musical chairs I swear. Complete with the music. They dance around me and then the music stops and I have a new boss.) Anyway, the new boss is always (but not so often that it's annoying-yet) saying "Your mom." And it's starting to rub off on me. I used to say it... A long while back, then I quit, and now it's back again. He says a lot of things that're starting to rub off, but oh well. You're supposed to surround yourself with people you'd like to be more like right? Maybe some of his fitness motivation will rub off as well. Not bloody likely, but perhaps...
Riiiiight, so your life? Your Mom? How are they?
I'm heading out to take a shower, and hit the tanning bed later maybe.
Just do me a fovor ok? If I start saying "Be easy like Sunday Morning" or even just "Be easy;" swear to me you'll shoot me to the death with a rubber band gun ok? Swear it.
"they pass me around like a game of musical chairs"
That's kinda hot you little tart.
The thingy I used to find your blog and read it up and went *POOF*!.
I'm VERY glad you checked in on me so now I know your URL and I can link you.
That's right, link you, whether you like it or not.
So there.
Are you kiddin me?
I FINALLY get you linked and now you're not blogging anymore?
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