Thursday, May 25, 2006


That's me. I've had enough caffiene to kill several third world countries. And I could take on anyone. ANYone. Anyone.
Throughout the course of this wonderful day, I have had 2 mountain dews (an appetizer if you will), then 2 red bulls, then a 4 shot carmel soy latte, then 2 more red bulls, then 2 more red bulls, then another 4 shot carmel soy latte. I have danced in my office, told my girl boss and another girl that I loved them, and gotten my first manicure. Sad that the night ended so soon. Who the hell needs booze when there's caffiene? Seriously.

K, I've got a bazillion things to do, like learn how to not scratch myself every 3 seconds with this manicure. Sharp little buggers. And do some laundry. And stalk that hottie I saw in the parking lot this afternoon. (Ok, I'm kidding, I won't stalk em...)



Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

When I first read this I thought you said a 4 shot CAMEL soy latte.


Whudda....*gag*...bleh. can't take me on sister.

Kay said...

Ok I could totally take you. And of course I said camel soy. It's a new type of fermented soy. Yummy.