Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What are you lookin at?

It's Wednesday. It feels like a Monday. How am I so fuckin beat so soon in the week? I still need to pack. I need to do some laundry before I pack. I need an IV of straight rebull running thru my veins.
I'll be leaving you on Friday/Saturday. Won't be home till like the 9th or 10th. I'm going to try to post though. Just going home again. I really really don't want to though.
Maybe the people will do some stupid shit I can get on camera... Don't worry, I'll share.
Have a good day, I might be back. Need to go get a case of my RB.

Oh, and Cracked? FDPC. I'll work on the logo.


exile said...

i work 2 jobs, so i feel the same way.

btw, my poison of choice is Monster
unless i can drink Sparks

Kay said...

I used to drink Monster. And Rockstars before that. But now I just drink a diet dew or Red Bull.
But what's Sparks?

thejerkstore said...

try extreme shock. it's legit.

Kay said...

JS-Etreme shock? Like: A defibrillator? Or like: Extrememe sports?

Cracked-We'll open our own T-shirt business. We'll call it... we'll figure out what to call it later. And I'll totally wear that shit.

stonelifter said...

main-lining caffiene via red bull