Or some shit like that.
I don't have to go to work tody.
My newest Internet Crack: Flixster. I love it. It's fun. You can rate movies, say you want to see movies, and add all your friends on there. Then you can compare what movies you and your friends want to see, and plan a movie night. I'm just addicted to the rating part...
Today's the big day kids. The day we (hopefully) find out what the fuck's wrong with Kay. But... My experience with doctors being what it is, I'm not holding my breath. In fact, I'm just expecting a consult, and another appointment a month away. Motherfuckers...
I haven't been posting a lot lately. Mostly I've just been BlogStalking. And MySpacing. There's a few new links to the left. I think you'll really love Death By Children. This guy's a stay at home dad, and the stories he's got are insane. Not your typical MommyBlogger. Probably cuz he's not your typical Mommy, but still...
K, I'm gonna go shower and see about breakfast. Hope you all have a fabulous day!
Woe is me...I can't view Flixster at work because my stupid work firewall blocks it.
Oh well.
Good luck with the knees!
so what is the deal with the knees dork?
come forward with the info already
Flixster looks like a pretty fun site... I'll be over there for awhile if you need me...
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