Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"that's my cubicle. I sit in there."

Not random enough? What if I told you the little rabbit by the fire said it? What now?

Ok, so it was actually MarkyMark.

Wednesdays are supposed to be my chemo days. Every other Wednesday anyway.

Today my buddy, uh... I don't think he has a name on here. So the nameless one picked me up at 0730, and off we went. The nurses connected the IV to my port, took some blood for my weekly tests, and then I went to talk with my doc. She gave me some new nausea meds, a new laxative (yea for laxatives! Fuckin not), a stool softener (Apparently we "mush, then push." My doctor actually used those words), and a mouthwash that's supposed to prevent Thrush (so no more yeast infections in my mouth. Yeah, that's right. I had a yeast infection in my mouth. Sick right?)

So all my blood levels looked good, except my white blood count. Which is freakishly low. So I am to avoid all salad bars (I thought I was already supposed to do that...), little people, animals that haven't been vaccinated, animal poo, and people who may or may not be sick. So I'm quarantined.

My hair started falling out yesterday. Like hard core. I was in the shower, and you know how you run your hands thru your hair and some comes out? It just kept coming. Every time I ran my hands thru it. It's not possible to wash one's hair without running your hands thru it. Or perhaps I wash my hair wrong... Who knows.

So I lost a bunch there, then when I was brushing it... Well, see for yourself. Then today, more of the same. I usually put my hair up into a messy bun, and that proved rather difficult this morning. The shit wouldn't stay in my head. It just kept coming out. It's a bit freaky, but hey, MarkyMark'll have to stop calling me Cousin It right? Oddly, the hair on my head seems to be the only hair making The Great Migration to the floor. It's fucking everywhere. All over my shirt, my truck, my floor. It bugs me. I'm very tempted to find someone with shears and just end it all. But... I have to go to work the next two days now that my chemo didn't happen. Have to rock the sock bun now. Have a random knee pic (from right after surgery), since I can't find a picture of my sock bun. I know I've got one, I just can't find it.

Alright. I'm fucking tired. But just so it's not all about me, Cher's awesome. You should go check her out if you haven't already. I've been meaning to link her up for awhile, she cracks my shit up. Also not about me, Sushi's been going thru some shit, and she could use all the good vibes and/or prayers you can spare. Much love to you chica.


Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

As someone whose hair fell out due to an annoying genetic thingy, I can sympathize with hair falling out in big chunks. Once it got to a certain point I just shaved it all off. It took about a year before it started to grow back and that was weird too.

I believe that we made a deal that you can't die with out us making sweet, sweet love. Maybe it was hot and heavy monkey sex. Either way, I'm holding you to it. Sex with me is no worse than chemo., that came out wrong.


Holly said...

LOL @ Jack.

I've missed you. I've been thinking about you a lot and I'm really praying for you.

I bet you're gonna be UBER sexy bald. I'd totally do you.


cher said...

i am so going to rub your hair all over my naked body. hey, how are the pubes? are they holding their ground or making a break for it too?

thanks for the shout out Kay!!

cher said...

oh, and i've got a photo i am going to post of my leg now. well, maybe not right thisminute, but soon. you just reminded me of a really gross burn i had. i love grossing people out so much.


killer pics. its really driving it home for me with those. are you gonna save it all? does all your hair fall out on your body? and if not why just on your head? could save a few bucks on the brazilian waxing? no? and i'll meet up with you and sushi for that scalp tatoo, there is a great all woman place in s.f. the last work i had done the, this gal wore a cheerleaders outfit while doing a piece on my back. fun place!