Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Titles? We don't need no steenkin titles

So it looks like I lied about the San Fran post. Eat me.

I'm actually working on it on my lap top. That story will also come later.

Don't have a whole lot of time right now. Crossbow's on her way over to pic me up and take me to the doc.

I went to the doc yesterday, and she made me get the Bone Marrow test. HolyMotherFuckingHell Batman! Don't ever do that. Ever. I don't care if you're dying. It is not The Lord.

Now I have 4 appointments today (3 were sheduled yesterday. Fun!) I have to watch some video and sign papers at 8 something, then see my ENT doc (to look at my neck scar) at 9 something. Then at 10 something I'll be prepping for surgery (I know! AFuckingNother one.) to put my port in, then after I wake up, I go downstairs and start my chemo! Yay me!

So, Love you kids, I've got to go. Enjoy your day and be thankful your doctor's not drilling a second hole in your ass (a public service statement brought to you by bone marrow tests.)


stonelifter said...

I feel for you Kay-mo, cancer hospitals are no fun, my mother is lying in one right now, been in the fucking thing for 3 weeks. Driven past the building for 7 years and now I am in more than my place

yay cancer



cher said...

nothing like a bone marrow test to really lighten up your afternoon. do they serve tea while you are getting it done? like at some spas?