I think the most memorable adventure I had with my blue Nikes was one June evening in California. I was planning on going to the gym, but it started to rain. It was warm, gentle rain, a refreshing change after my winter and spring in Maryland. It was the first real rain since I had moved to Northern California, and I couldn’t resist.
I put on my reflective belt and drove to the flight line, over five miles from my dorm, and parked in my work lot. I strapped my Ipod Nano into its arm band, and scrolled to my then-current workout playlist. Earphones in place, I stretched quickly and took off in a light jog. There were no cars to worry about on the road, no one to be seen on the entire flight line actually. Just a well-lit two mile stretch of pavement, the rain, and me. The run down the flight line was routine; building from a light jog into a slow, steady run.
Once I reached the end of the road and turned around, however, I decided to have a little fun. I was almost completely wet by this point, so there was no need to avoid the puddles anymore. Instead I started aiming for the puddles, making a game out of how big of a splash I could create. When Pink’s “Feel Good Time” came up on my playlist I didn’t even hesitate. I started dancing as I ran. Just as the song was winding down I happened to notice some light behind me that didn’t belong to an overhead lamp. It was coming from the headlights of a maintenance truck, two guys in maybe their early twenties inside. How long they had been following me, watching me make a fool of myself, I don’t want to know. Both guys waved as they passed, and I continued the last half mile or so of my run with a smirk plastered on my face, thankful that they didn’t work in my building and my silly clandestine run would remain my little secret.
1 comment:
shoes?!?!? i thought you collected hearts?!?!?
**wanders away confused**
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