Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Seriously body? Seriously?

This is the fourth time since school began in late September that I have been sick.

And I'm not talking the "I have a bit of a cough/the sniffles" sick. I'm talking about full-on, don't leave the house sick.

This time I have some sort of flu. It manifested late this afternoon in a rather sneaky manner. I had plans to catch dinner with my only Bestie that owns a husband and children, Kate. Around 5 this evening I realized that my throat pain might be from more than just my idiotic half-sprint up The Hill on campus on the coldest morning of the quarter, since my ear had started to twinge at me. I called Kate and canceled, on the grounds that if I was contagious, I didn't want to pass it on to the little ones. Logical yes?

Then I get a headache. Excedrin Migraine is a close personal friend, and took care of that situation for me.

Then between 8 and 9 it felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Being very familiar with food poisoning, I was immediately suspicious of the food I had eaten tonight. I would really like to believe that the sacred Brownie Cupcakes had no part in this (plus I have been suspiciously hot and cold this evening), but just to be on the safe side, they will have to be thrown away. Poor little cupcakes...

Now I am camped out on the surprisingly comfy rugs that cover my bathroom floor.

Seriously body, what the hell is going on? Four sicknesses in less than three months strikes me as a bit odd, even coming from you. Enough is enough already. There is only so long that a girl is allowed to lounge around in sweatpants before people begin to talk, and I think we both know that we've reached the threshold. It's time for you to knock off this bullshit, and let someone else have their turn to be sick. It's really quite selfish of you to deprive some other poor sap of the joy of buying all the cold meds I've had to accumulate.

Disappointed in you,

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