Today marks three years since my last chemo. This anniversary snuck up on me, even though I just had an MRI a week ago to make sure I don't have any Kanser going on up in this business. I will be getting scans every 6 months, and checking in with my Oncologist just as often, for at least the next few years.
I am so very glad to still be Cancer Free, though my new Kanser Doc seems to be focused on breast cancer as my highest risk from here out. Chemo is an effective treatment, but it certainly jacks up your body, and I hope to never have need of it again.
Fuck Cancer! Or, if you prefer, Fuck Kanser! And thank you to all my amazing doctors and friends.
When I saw your title, I thought OH NO. But I am really happy to hear that you are still Fucking Kanser like crazy. Keep up the good work!
Happy New Year.
Want to etll you..
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