Tuesday, February 07, 2012

So you want updates, eh?

I can't promise this one will be full of sunshine and rainbows and puppies.

Probably because my not-so-much-a-puppy-anymore has taken to waking me up once or twice a night to go be a wildebeest in the back yard. Every. Night.

She's doing it to punish me. Because I haven't been walking her. Because I'm sick. Yet again. Want to know what Kaylena has this time? Herpes.

I love how that sounds. It makes me feel like a class-A slore. I'm really far more of a prude or spinster than a slore, so I have to take what I can get. I have herpes zoster. Aka Shingles. And I'm not in my 60s. I know, I make being young sooooo appealing. Welcome to my world.

Shingles come from a shitty immune system and a dumptruck full of stress. Check and check. I recently found out that my city has a 19 point something percent unemployment rating. Which makes it hurt a tiny bit less that Starbucks won't ever call me back. I just want the green apron damnit! Why won't they love me?

I know I talked smack about Seattle's VA (or at least I think I did). But in reality they were amazing. They had FREE VALET PARKING. And if you were a nice person (and maybe flirted a little bit) the valet guys would bring your car around before all of the crotchety oldsters' cars. And most of the docs there were cool beans. Most. And the old-timers wandering around were always so chatty and sweet. Most of them asked me for directions thinking I was an employee or volunteer, but still. They entertained me.

By comparison, Sacramento's VA is a bit lacking in the awesome sauce. Not only is there no valet parking (free or otherwise), half of their parking lot is "under construction." They always have at least 3 cops hovering around the parking lot waiting to jack people up for parking improperly. Every possible way for my paper work and records to get jacked up or lost has happened. And the specialists I've seen have been not super loving or supportive or really anything that suggests they don't think I'm completely mental. But I asked my shrink. She said I'm not crazy. She didn't say I was normal, so I know she's not lying. Most of the old-timers in Sac just sit there in silence. Except the Viet Nam vets. They are always the chatty ones. How do I know who's who? They wear hats that say what branch or what war they were part of. It makes life so much easier when people just wear their names, ranks, whatever. I do miss that part of military life.

My Roomie is still deployed for 3 more months (yay!) I haven't murdered her dog or her cat yet, though a few fish have died. While I'm not a fan of cleaning the tank, I did not actually intend to kill any of them. Because murder is bad and stuff. Roomie's DB Fireman boyfriend lasted the first 3 months of her deployment. I have to give them props for making it that long. The boy lives one house down from his parents and mommy still has a hand in all of his decisions. I'd have kicked him to the curb months before.

I have been on a series of unfortunate first dates (why do I always do this to myself upon moving somewhere new?) that have reaffirmed my desire to stay single. I am very, very torn between chronicling the disaster that has been my dating life and never speaking of it to anyone. Whatever you're imagining, it's worse.

I've taken to watching old shows that I somehow missed out on when they were popular. I'm currently on The O.C. It was a little brutal in season 1. I gave up on it once or twice. But now that I'm finally to season 2 (I just arrived there tonight), I'm kind of invested in the characters. Enough to yell at them for being stupid anyway.

Being sick off and on for the better part of 6 months kind of makes you a bit of a lame-o. It's ok. You can say it too. The tv doesn't tell me I suck though. And since I abhor all things reality tv, I feel justified in reverting to the classics. Plus I can marathon this stuff, no waiting a week between episodes. In case you hadn't figured out by this point in our relationship, I'm not entirely patient.

I love you guys. I've got to go melt some more ice packs with my ridiculously overheated head now. I've given up on sleep. And I will try to update more. Comments link to my email, so when you yell at me I see them. G'night!


Michelle said...

YAY! Finally...*sighs in relief*
I kind of want to hear about the horrible dating experiences...that way I can live vicariously through you. The only attention I've been getting as far as the romance goes is from married men...fail.
Hope the herpes is clearing up ;) It makes you so scandalous!

Michelle said...

Oops...posted that twice.

Kay said...

Married men can be so sleazy. What is that about anyway? You just need to pimp out your adorable midget to get your love life jump started. Babies and puppies are supposed to be irresistible, right?

Maybe I will post my fail-dating adventures here. It's not like I'm making much headway in my notebooks or word docs. I just have a moral dilemma with it, because they are real people. Maybe they just don't know how big of a trainwreck they are? And I'm certainly not perfect myself. We shall see.

I can make you this promise: You update more regularly and I'll update more regularly. Maybe that's just the herpes meds talking, but I say we bring the sexy back to Blogger. (And "sexy" is in the eye of beholder. You can bring it back in any way you want.) Are you in?

Michelle said...

Oh, I am SO in! And once you accept a date with someone, you are basically signing a release to be blogged about. It's one of those blog rules I hear about.
Maybe this will inspire me to do something interesting...I mean besides changing shit-filled diapers.