Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Is it ok to be obcessed with pooping?

I know it's not normal, but is it "ok"???

Alt Title: My brush with pseudo-anorexia

Alt Title: OMG! Laxatives! Nuff said.

Alt Title: What do you mean I have an infection in my mouth?

Alt Title: Dude, I heard Cemo's the new hotness.

So, the last week has eaten my asshole with a rusty spork. Thus, my realization yesterday that I was unable to poop. Which kind of sucks. And hurts. I then rushed to the FuckMeUpAgainstTheWall-Mart, and decided to purchase the one that said it was "Gentle, yet Effective." And then woke up every hour because I thought I had to shit. But, I must admit, between rushes to the bathroom, that was the best sleep I've had in days.

On to other topics, Chemo's the best new diet ever! You guys should rush right out and get some. I heard this one girl, Kay or something, lost 10 pounds in a week! Yeah. I need to get me some of that.

But seriously, this shit blows, the first 2 days, I was starving, and sleeping like a champ. Eat, sleep, eat, sleep. Now, if I get 4 good hours of sleep a night I should count myself lucky, and forget about eating. My stomach rumbles, so I know it's hungry, but me, I'm not hungry. And the thought of food is sooooo not happening. I eat because I know I need to, but I'm almost gaggy. Nothing sounds good. Nothing tastes good. I had a fucking popsicle today, and even that didn't taste good. A popsicle. WTF tastebuds?!?!

My weekend I spent writhing around my bed and house, and not in a good way. It started with my mouth infection. My mouth was a fiery pit of death-pain. It just kept hurting. I didn't understand. Every time I produced saliva, it hurt even more. And everything you put in your mouth produces saliva people. Even water! Then I started getting a headache. By Sunday it was a full-blown migrane. I was dying. Slowly. In a horrible, melty, wicked-witch way.

I called my doc as soon as the office opened Monday and took my ass in. They ran my blood tests, gave me some drugs for the infected mouth (it's called Thrush or something... Babies and people with low white blood counts get it), and gave me a big ole bag of fluids cuz I was dehydrated.

I went to work for a whole 2 hours today before I punked out and realized I couldn't handle the truth. I'm getting better but I'm by no means fantastical. Or even good. My stomach's a punk ass little bitch. And I still can't sleep at night. But I'm seein yet another doctor tomorrow, and I'm hopeful maybe he'll hook me up with some sleeping pills that'll work. Cuz mine won't.

Much love to you all, I hope you're having a better week than I.

And to end the post on a totally dead-wrong note:
What did the deaf, dumb and blind kid get for Christmas.....?


stonelifter said...

do they do the chemo same way they do here, big room with a pile of industrial lazy boy's and a whole pile of IV poles?

hope it goes well for you, bald can be cute, look at me

cher said...

wow, nothing about me anywhere in this post.

man kay, this just blows for you. your attitude is what is going to make all the difference in the world though. holy crap, for such a sensitive topic, you make me laugh out loud.

i love how you write.

Michelle said...

Aw....that sucks so bad! I'm glad you're positive. At least you'll be hot, bald, and thin...

Shanshu said...

Best post about pooping EVER.


Keep up the strength, chica.

Kay said...

Hi kids!

Stone-Yes, chemo's a room full of lazy boys and IV poles. And it's always freezing. At least they bring blankets if you need them.

Cher-I love how you write, so fair's fair I suppose.

IV-Thanks bro. I did finally sleep, but that's because MarkyMark got into town Wednesday night, and there's no way for me no to sleep beautifully when I sleep with MarkyMark. Kind of worried bout how tonight'll go.

Sushi-Hell yeah! I'm thinking of rocking the Susan Powter look. Think I can pull it off?

Shanshu-When is a post about pooping not good?

Stone-You kill me too. I'm doin alright. I had a personal maid the post 4 days, so I didn't have to do anything, and as a result, I'm currently doing fabulous.

cher said...

no, fair would be you commenting on my blog too...but i'll take your compliment!

how's your bumhole?


cher, that just made me blow hot coffee through my nose... too fucking funny!!! i hope her "bumhole" doesn't burn as bad as my nose or spray as much shit out on to her key board as i just did...

Kay said...

My bumhole's actually quite fine. No burning or spraying of shit. Hope your nose recovers.