I hate when writers whine about how hard it is to write. I really do.
So I am breathing deeply, editing some posts, and resolving to not whine. At least not here. Writing is a lovely thing and to be able to do so is a gift. If you do catch me whining (here), you have my permission to smack me. I reserve the right to the occasional whine via text, email or in-person. If this bothers you, you may feel free to smack me. I feel the use of a well-deserved smack as a behavior correcting tool just doesn't get enough respect anymore. Let's bring that back, shall we?
Since most of you are a bit far from me, I will allow you to save up these smacks for when we next meet in person. However, I require that you document them and provide a list/reason for the punishment upon doling it out. Because otherwise it's just abuse. And everyone knows abuse is only funny when it's not happening to you.
Good to see tht you are still at it.
-The Jerk Store
Wow! I thought jerkstore had died or something...
I give you permission to skype slap me. I don't know how that works, but I'm sure it's satisfying.
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